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Why Does The World Hate Trump?


Why Does The World Hate Trump?

Throughout the years of political dominance of Donald Trump all over the United States of America and his negative influence on interdependent countries, he has gained the most hatred around the world. His attitude towards different political issues and the measures he took turned most of the people against him.

Since he became the president of US he claimed and gave statements regarding Muslims, terrorism, pandemic, climate change and other issues that were not even true, as he kept on lying on his actions and every other thing people began noticing how much of a hypocrite he is.

   As the covid 19 pandemic hit the planet, being the president of the most influential and one of the most powerful countries of the world he showed an opposite response to it. He did not take responsibility to control the spread of corona virus and continued understating the matter. His ignorance on fighting back against the deadly spread showed how irresponsible he is.

Where climate change is the greatest terrible reality to the whole world, Donald Trump’s beliefs seem to be contradictory and chaotic. At one time he called climate change “a mythical expensive hoax” and on the other hand he claims it to be "serious subject" that is very important to him. In 2009, he signed advert in The New York Times expressing the support for legislation to fight back climate change. But as the years passed by, he tweeted more than 100 posts claiming that it is a non-existent hoax. In 2012, he made a statement that it was created by Chinese people so that they could weaken the manufacturing of US. He changed his views several times on the climate change over the years which made us believe that he doesn’t even understand what climate change actually is.

By the chaotic, changing statements he makes without expressing clear apologies, it shows how bold and self-confident he is. He feels expects special treatment from others and does not really work on his own flaws. Rather he tends to intimidate others and make negative comments on them to satisfy his ego.

He was hated by his fellow politicians mainly because he downplays his mistakes and reflects a self-promoting personality. The way he didn’t care much about the matters of climate change and pandemic, he is not prudent at all.
As he sees women as possessions and aims mockery and jokes on them, he seems to be low on interpersonal emotional intelligence to understand how other people feel.
He cheated businesses for the money he owed them and
cheated the government by undervaluing real estate he inherited to avoid estate taxes.






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