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Genghis khan - Character Sketch


Genghis Khan

-Muqadas Fatima

The sound of the drum beating pounded in his ears. His blurry vision could hardly make out

the source of the commotion but soon realized that it was the shaman casting out the evil spirits. Suddenly a stinging smell of blood and raw meat burned the insides of his nostrils. As soon as he turned his face, what he saw was beyond his imagination. It was Genghis khan, the ruthless and vicious emperor and founder of the Mongolian Empire. Who would have known to be blood thirsty and tyrannical ruler for centuries? Tyranny reflected in his eyes. Even his eyes seemed like reptilian slits. His face was cold as ice as if the warmth of the sun had never reached it. While he stared into his soul, Genghis tore raw meat with his abnormally large canines. Blood oozing from it and eventually smeared all over his face. It became obvious, how ruthless the entire empire was. They had no regard for the living or the dead, the rich or the poor, men or women neither old nor young. Appearing out of thin air, the shaman shoved a bowl in front of Genghis. What he did stunned everyone. He took a dagger and slashed it across his palm. The blood trickled down his hand and into the bowl. his palm had similar cuts proving that these rituals were performed rather regularly. After the ritual was performed, Genghis sat down. But when he started talking, it was as if the sky thundered. His voice echoed through the jungle. Each word uttered reflected a subtle threat targeted at someone. He got down on the kid who gazed at him with a dread and mistrust in his eyes. Nobody has at any point set out to gaze at Genghis. Genghis couldn't stand his look. He needed to rip off the kid's head from his body. He provided orders to slaughter the kid. The kid, blameless from heart attempted to flee. Genghis was stunned to the daringness which that kid has continually showed him. First with the gaze and afterward his battle to fled from the scene. He got down on the kid and asked him the explanation. Nobody, in hundreds of years has at any point set out to do such thing. Genghis needed to know. To which the kid answered that he has a sister, six years of age and she's hanging tight for him to accompany the food since they haven't eaten in days. Genghis realized what was he going to do. He, the man of thunder and blood knew the results of his request. However still he let the kid go and said to him that he has just 24 hours to rebound. Each man remaining there was in absolute stun. Genghis himself was amazed yet something in him let him committed the stupid mistake. He realized that kid won’t return. What's more, as he expected, the little honest kid fled with her younger sibling, wanting to never see Genghis again.


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